I danced naked
for Grandmother Moon last nite
Drinking her in
and through my skin
I lifted both breasts to kiss
Her Light
And sang prayers of
gratitude in union with Her silver voice
Then and now
I can feel our Circle spreading
Mothers, our Beauty iz being fed
Daughters, our Wisdom anchored and sure
Lovers, our wombs have grown full and shameless
Divas, our thighs ever wet with giving
Healers, our sisters are all around us...
It iz good to be
a Wombn
Beloved Diane,
I had thot I was writing you a letter of apology for not making your ceremony last nite. It was all about how unreliable I often think myself to be and began with the words, "I suck". But this came forth(for you) instead.
I felt myself wanting to show you what I did and how I wound up joining you after all. I know it looks like a poem... That's just my way of speaking Truths -- Rough prose iz for fictions and ego ramblings;
in my world
only verse can sing
the real
So now you know how I joined you, and you me, even though I wasn't(?) there.
~Live Orgasmically~