Apparently, in Blogspeak, a meme is an idea that is shared and passed from blog to blog. Always up for new ways to play, I decided to try meme-ing when I read about this one after signing up for Blingo.
Enter your name followed by "needs" in Blingo/Google and see what cums up. I did, and here's what the random YOUniversal wisdom of the net has to say about me.....
Butterfly needs socks
Butterfly needs Elegant Furniture, Lighting, Bedding, Rugs & Gifts
(yes, again! we'll need a whole house full when we move)
Butterfly needs proper habitat, special nectar
(aka - HoneyWine!!)
Butterfly needs special environment
(like a beautiful home in the Tucson Mtns with spectacular sunrise, sunset & star shine views)
Butterfly needs sunlight
(oh yeah!)
Butterfly needs a social engagement calendar to keep her hot dates straight
Butterfly needs some time to unfold and dry [her] wings in preparation for flight
(with me learning how to heal thru CFIDS, this one's so on, it's just spooky!)
Butterfly needs both stamina and technique, but the body movements
are not difficult because you will have done many of them before in
other strokes
(gotta luv this one, potential lovers, take note)
Butterfly needs nourishment, water, basking sites and shelter
(they know me so well!)
And the best surprise true reading of all cums from Monica Lin Cavell...
Butterfly needs no courage
beginning her life as a crawler
foraging through the mundane
unaware of the perspective given with height
she knows first hand the personal power of the Divine
and the difference between a life destroyed
and a life transformed
she lives now as beauty that is free
and fragility in flight
Butterfly needs no courage
beauty speaks for itself
and fragility is powerful in its own right
when manufactured in the factory of the Soul
there is no wind too strong
or rain too harsh
for the tender wings of Butterfly
paper thin is her mission
and transparent is her life
but more powerful than doubt
is her flight
propelled as she is only
by her desire to rise
Butterfly needs no courage
for this is what she became
crystallized in her chrysalis
that tight webbed cocoon
only the breath of Soul
there in her personal darkness
shielded from all eyes and weather
she embraced her ugliest shadows
maneuvered through her darkest nightmares
allowed her past to dissolve
as she melted away into herself
releasing the only home she's ever created
for the Invisibility of air
and the freedom to Be
Butterfly needs no courage
her beauty cannot be contained
her fragility cannot be controlled
she lives each and every moment intimate with her Divinity
Always in the present
Yes, that's me.
~Live (& meme) Orgasmically~