Thank you and welcome to Orgasmic Alchemy, with Reverend Diva Carla Sanders. I am the Reverend Diva, writing to you frequently about sacred sexuality and its profound expression in my life, your life, and the life of Mother Earth. This blog is a cauldron, bubbling with art, poetry, music, and humor; I'll sprinkle in questions and issues for comment and controversy. Every Friday, join me here for Naked Coffee with Diva Carla. This blog is a conversation. Please offer your comments, questions, opinions, and share your juice with Orgasmic Alchemy.
My longtime initiate, friend & Diva sister, Carla Sanders has launched a new blog devoted to Orgasmic Alchemy.
This promises to be a wildly satisfying ride. Read her, & tell her I sent ya ☥
~Live Orgasmically~